вторник, 13 января 2015 г.

A " Christmas Carol " performed by the students of 12a and 11b !

 On the 12th of January, students and teachers  were invited to watch a play about love, goodwill and mercy, a famous novel by Charles Dickens.  The play was performed by the students of 12a (Mahtra group) and some students of 11b.

You can watch the performance here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV1E4oafrkc&feature=em-upload_owner#action=share

Thank you, our great cast :

Ebenizer Scrooge                   -  Aleksei Orav
Nephew                                  -   Vladislav Belobabin
Bob Cratchit                           -   Dmitri Bizjulin
Spirit                                       -   Denis Danilin
Ghost of the Past and Future  - Anastassia Martchenko
Ghost of Christmas                - Elina Parkassevitch
Young Scrooge                      - Saveli  Artemjev
Scrooge's Sister                      - Anastassia Prokopenko
Nephew's wife                        -  Kristina Vaher
Mrs. Cratchit                          -  Ksenia Komarovskaja
Mary                                      -  Jana Pihlakas
Strangers                                - Daniil Petunov, Roman Ibadov, Dmitri Vavilov
Guest                                      -  Konstantin Butkovski                             

All the actors were playing whole-heartedly, sharing their energy and enthusiasm !